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GPS GNSS module

GPS GNSS module
GPS GNSS module
GPS GNSS module
GPS GNSS module
GPS GNSS module
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Positioning with centimeter accuracy in RTK and PPK. For precise UAV mapping with less GCPs. Why camera synchronization is so important? Usually autopilot triggers the camera and records the coordinate it has at that moment. When the drone is flying at 20 m/s and GPS works at 5 Hz, that means your autopilot will have position readings only each 4 m, which is not suitable for precise georeferencing. In addition, there is always a delay between the trigger and the actual moment the photo is taken. Reach eliminates the delay Reach solves the problem of positioning by connecting directly to the camera hot shoe port, which is synced with the shutter. The time and coordinates of each photo are logged with a resolution of less than a microsecond. This method allows GCPs to be used only to check your accuracy. NTRIP or another Reach as a base station To calculate centimeter-precise coordinates in PPK and RTK, Reach needs corrections from a base station. It could be either another Reach receiver or an NTRIP service. VRS is also supported. Compatibility Reach M2 works seamlessly with other Reach receivers over any link and are compatible with any other receiver that supports RTCM3 and NTRIP. Logging in RINEX Logs are automatically recorded in the RINEX format for further post-processing. View a list of the logs and download them using the Emlid Flow app. For PPK, you can use our free software Emlid Studio. Data monitoring Emlid Flow shows current satellite levels and your location on a map. It allows you to easily access full information about the receiver: battery charge, type of Internet connection, and receiver solution status.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.