CAN-IO module CIO is a versatile I/O module for the CAN bus. Designed for industrial series applications it has a robust and cost efficient layout. CIO supports eight digital 24 V / 500 mA output and eight analog input channels. The inputs are split in 0-10 V voltage and 0-25 mA current inputs. The voltage inputs may be used as digital inputs as well. Four of the eight output channels can be configured for PWM output.CIO is configured by read and write accesses to registers. Configuration is stored permanently in an EEPROM. Different modules in the same net are addressed by their module ID which is assigned by the user. A module with an unknown ID or with an unknown set baud rate can be reset to default by a special mechanism.For integration in CANopen systems, CIO may produce a startup message and the module reacts to start node and enter preoperational commands.
Analog voltage and current inputs in different combinations available
Analog voltage inputs useable as digital inputs
ISO 11898-2 (CAN high speed) compatible physical layer
24 V or 12 V nominal power supply
Extended temperature range