Handheld single phase electrical motor
Reinforced cable to protect it against excessive bending
Shockproof switch on the handle.
Shock-resistant housing with double insulation and splash-proof protection.
Shoulder strap
The AVMU is a universal. single-phase, portable electric vibrator from Enar. perfed for jobs where freedom of movement is as important as the tool in hand. The AVMU range stands out for its simplicity, efficiency and easy connection of transmissions.
Designed & Manufadured in Europe to a tiigh standard of qualrty
Manufadured using high quality materials ensures high
résistance and waterproofing (IP44).
Easy toget in motion thanhs to its ntegrated saiitdiintte handte. The sviitth is also (P44) protected meairç it is waterproof and won't get any dirt studt inside. impruvrç the
Tte œmpleœ rarge of portable electric Enar vèraofs use quick rëease carton brushes. mafchs them easy to charge.
No need to tahe the product apert.