Petrol engine concrete vibrator.
Flexible shaft with eccentric head.
Centrifugal clutch.
Quick-disconnection of the shaft.
Total mobility without depending on electricity supply.
Ergonomic and comfortable on work.
Harness to improve the user’s comfort.
No Restriction Of Movement.
The VIB-BAR provides the user with maximum freedom of
movement. No electric cables, no pieces to pull along the floor.
everything held on your shoulder and controlled using both
hands. This product has been designed primarily for the user’s
comfort and ability to move around the job site with ease. It is
idéal for worhing on pavements and between rebar.
The VIB-BAR from ENAR is a simple but effective set up consisting I
of a motor. aluminium bar with a handle, a short flexible shaft
and a poker. As always. -
Thanhs to rts light and compact design as wdl as running on petrot. thrs prockict provides indépendance to the user. No need to woffc vmtin the area permitted by the lerçth of the stectric aWe. no need to pay extra attention to abies fcnottingor tripping peopfe up and no need to share due a the Smited plug socfcets. Start up the motor and waih wterever the job requôres to be.
As wefl as barç light tarte to its simple design, the VB-6AR is^sovery compact utiile in use and eren more so when disassembled to be stored away. Anatw reason why the product prwides the user with exœpdonal rrwement across the jobsite.