1,200 Litre Clarification Tank
This 1,200 Litre Clarification Tank used is used in primary water treatment requiring settlement. Clarification of liquids or the bulk removal of solids from wastewater is used in conjunction with a settlement tank. In a clarifier tank, coagulation and flocculation reagents may be added to the liquid to be clarified. The reagents cause the suspended particles to clump together. These form a sludge, which can be removed from the tank leaving a clarified solution.
The Clarification Process
Clarifiers are settling tanks used in wastewater treatment, dirty water (contaminated liquid) enters the clarifier tank from the top via a central pipe. As the water speed slows, suspended solids from the liquid sink to the base of the cone.
The clean water rises to the top of the tank and flows over launder rings into an outer ‘liner’ from where it is piped away. Lighter particles that float on the liquid are called scum and are held back by the saw tooth launder around the top of the tank.
Popular uses include:
• Settlement or sludge tanks
• Processing tanks
• Water treatment tanks
• Clarification tank
• Metal precipitation
• Decantation
Constructed using corrosion resistant, UV stabilised mid-density food-grade polyethene and designed the liquids up to a Specific Gravity of 1.5. A heavy-duty galvanised support frame together with a top fitting mixing unit is supplied as standard (as the image above).