Metal Tube Flowmeters are analog needle flowmeters that can be used in all fluids. Optional digital display and analog output can be added to these flowmeter models, which are frequently preferred in the industrial electronics industry. In these models, which can be used at high temperature and high pressure, the product material is able to be changed according to the type of fluid. The fluid can be selected as liquid or gas and can be calibrated according to the fluid.
Scale Ratio
Flanged or Threaded Connection GB/T9119;ANSl 150lbs.300lbs; In HG20592-20635 Standards
Better than ±1%
Temperature Effect
0.5% at 10°C
Power consumption
< 250mW
Alarm Supply
Optional 220(1+10%) VDc
Alarm Power Loss
Optional °C 3W
Alarm Operating Temperature
Optional -25°C ~ 60°C
Protection Class
Exproof Ib II CT5