The thyristor diode modules are characterized by high electrical and thermal cycling capability, meaning high reliability and long lifetime in intensive operation modes. The thyristor diode modules are housed in a industry-standard housing making it easy to integrate the device into existing equipment.
The main (power) terminals are on the top of the case and are marked as 1, 2, 3 (common anode-cathode, cathode, anode). The control terminals are marked as K1, G1.
Thyristor Diode modules AMKH series are used in various power equipment - power and control units, power regulators, AC regulators, DC motors control, AC motor soft starters, converters, controllers of blast furnaces or chemical processes, welding equipment, and as rectifiers for AC converters.
Our modules are offered in several dual and single device topologies for almost all phase control or rectifier applications.
Our company provides a quality guarantee for thyristor diode modules of 2 years from the date of purchase. When supplying thyristor diode modules, if necessary, we provide technical passport and certificate of conformity.