Phase control thyristors KP300A-(12...18) AS ENERGITM are general purpose power disc thyristors, also known as Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR). They are designed to convert and control DC and AC currents up to 300A with frequency up to 500Hz in circuits with voltages (voltage class from 12 to 18). Thyristor dimensions ØDxØdxH – 42x25x15 mm (outer case diameter X contact surface diameter X case height), weight – 0.10 kg. The anode and cathode of the thyristor (polarity) are determined by the symbol on the case. For cooling during the operation of power thyristors they are mounted with coolers (heat sinks). Depending on the amount of heat generated and the working conditions of the semiconductors, either natural air flow cooling or forced cooling can be used. When assembling, the necessary clamping force Fm specific for each type of thyristor package (indicated in the parameter table) must be provided. Thyristors can be manufactured for use in temperate, cold and tropical climates. Thyristors of the disc type KP are used in various power converters (e.g. melting furnaces) where fast switching and control of currents is necessary. Specifications and parameters, datasheets PDF, dimensions, drawings, case diagrams thyristors, recommended coolers are listed below. Our company provides a quality guarantee for thyristors of 2 years from the date of purchase. When supplying thyristors, if necessary, we provide quality declaration and certificate of conformity.