Fast Thyristor KK200-(12...14) AS ENERGITM in disc design is a press pack type fast turn-off semiconductor device. This fast power thyristor designed for converting and control DC and AC currents up to 200A with frequency up to 10kHz in circuits with voltages up to 1200V – 1400V (voltage class from 12 to 14). Thyristor dimensions ØDxØdxH – 42x25x15 mm (outer case diameter X contact surface diameter X case height), weight – 100 g. KK-series Fast thyristors are devices with reduced tq, trr, Qrr values and with a higher value (diT/dt)cr (up to 2500 A/µs) designed to operate at higher frequencies modes (up to 10kHz). Fast thyristors are characterized with a very low turn-off time that sets them apart from the standard models. They are used in welding, induction heating and melting, electric transportation, AC drives, UPS, and other systems requiring short turn-on and turn-off times. The thyristors have an industry-standard ceramic sealed housing isolating the functional part and the semiconductor element from mechanical impacts and environment. The anode and cathode of the thyristor (polarity) are determined by the symbol on the case. Fast thyristors are in a press pack disc (capsule, tablet) housing. This fast thyristor can be an alternative product, replacement, analog, equivalent for other types of fast thyristors 180A, 190A, 200 amp in a disk package.