Fast Switching Thyristor ATY30FE-490-16 AS ENERGITM is a replacement, analogue, alternative and equivalent semiconductor device for fast switching thyristor (fast turn-off thyristor) Y30KKE Techsem. Average on-state current ITAV – 490A, repetitive peak forward/reverse voltage VDRM/VRRM – 800-1600V, turn-off time tq – 18-50 µs. Features: Fast Switching Thyristors ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Fast switching thyristors are suitable for existing inverter, DC chopper drives, UPS and pulse power applications. Fast Switching Thyristors (fast turn-off capsule type thyristors) are available from 800V up to 4800V, current from 490A up to 4890A and turn-off time tq from 18μs up to 150μs. Thyristor ratings: Y30KKE-04-8 (490A 800V), Y30KKE-04-10 (490A 1000V), Y30KKE-04-12 (490A 1200V), Y30KKE-04-14 (490A 1400V), Y30KKE-04-16 (490A 1600V). "Air-cooled heatsinks O series for disc devices", "Air heatsink SF series", "Water heatsink SS series" for thyristor cooling are also available to order. Thyristors AS ENERGITM have the following features: low static and dynamic losses, high values of VDRM/VRRM, extensive experience of using the devices in various industries, range of voltages from 100 to 9000 V and amperages from 10 to 15000 A, high resistance to thermal and electric cycling, natural or forced air cooling. The technical specifications and parameters of Y30KKE and replacement ATY30FE-490-16, datasheet PDF, outline drawing and dimensions are listed below.