Phase control thyristor ATCR470T14 AS ENERGITM is a replacement, analogue, alternative and equivalent semiconductor device for SCR thyristor DCR470T14 Dynex Semiconductor. Average forward on-state current ITAV – 470 ampere, repetitive peak forward and reverse voltage VDRM/VRRM – 1400V. Phase control thyristor are designed to convert and control DC and AC currents. "Air-cooled heatsinks O series for disc devices", "Air heatsink SF series", "Water heatsink SS series" for thyristor cooling are also available to order. Features: press pack industry standard ceramic housing; designed for high power industrial and power transmission applications; optimized for low on-state voltage drop; matched Qrr and VT values available for series and / or parallel connections. The anode and cathode of the thyristor (polarity) are determined by the symbol on the case. Thyristors AS ENERGITM have the following features: low static and dynamic losses, high values of VDRM/VRRM, extensive experience of using the devices in various industries, range of voltages from 100 to 9000 V and amperages from 100 to 15000 A, high resistance to thermal and electric cycling, natural or forced air cooling. The technical specifications and parameters of DCR470T14 and replacement ATCR470T14, datasheet PDF, outline drawing and dimensions are listed below. Our company provides a quality guarantee for thyristors of 2 years from the date of purchase. When supplying thyristors, if necessary, we provide technical passport and certificate of conformity.