Especially in aviation security is a hot item. Smugglers and terrorrists constantly test securityprotocols. For use in this chalanging environment we supply the Jawlock™ seals.
- Smooth strip, Ø 2,2 mm, No problems positioning and torque
- Steel lockingsystem, impossible to open without breaking
- Available in 2 types: “mini” with labels 30x18 mm and 50x18 mm, “standard” label 65x29 mm with “side tear off” function.
Packlock™: thanks to the inaccessible locking mechanism, opening and reclosing is impossible, even with tools. Easily removable because of the ‘twist tear off’ tearline. Available in red, blue, white, green and yellow. Supplied in batches of 5 or 1000 seals per box. Diameter : 3,7 mm, standard label : 60x28 mm, extra large label : 110x73 mm (no tearline).
Smoothlock™: absolutely safe through the steel locking mechanism. Easy to apply because of the smooth strap wich barely creates any friction. Easily removable with the “side-tear off” tearline. Standard label 80x31 mm. Available in red, blue, white, green and yellow. Delivery printed or blank in batches of 5 or 1000 per box. Strap : 5,4 mm wide, 2,0 mm thick. Special option: extra large label 110x73 mm, no “side-tear off” tearline.