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Outdoor air quality monitor NANOENVI EQ
for environmental analysisindustrialrelative humidity

outdoor air quality monitor
outdoor air quality monitor
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for environmental analysis, industrial
Measured parameter
relative humidity, CO, PM2.5, CO2, temperature, NO2, PM10, SO2, VOC, noise, atmospheric pressure, PM1, NOx
portable, compact
WiFi, digital output, IoT, wireless
Other characteristics
real-time, with data logger, autonomous, breathing air


Compact and autonomous: Nanoenvi® EQ allows the measurement of outdoor air quality in places where there are no fixed air quality stations, or, in a complementary way, allows the field of action of these stations to be extended. Cloud platform for real-time data visualisation and communication protocols that allow integration with third-party systems to facilitate decision-making. The Nanoenvi EQ equipment is built in a highly resistant ABS and polyurethane casing with IP protection for outdoors. This ensures it performs well both outdoors and in industrial environments. It is configurable to house gas, noise, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensors as well as meteorological parameters.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.