The Eoptolink's BIDI Multi-rate Series 2.67Gb/s transceiver module integrates optics and electronics in a Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) package. It is Multisource Agreement (MSA) compatible and designed for operation at 1310 nm and 1550 nm. Although optimized for OC-48/STM-16, it provides multi-rate capabilities and can be used from OC-3/STM-1(155 Mb/s) up to 2.7 Gb/s. MultiRate SFP transceiver provides a fully OC-48 SONET compliant interface between the SONET/SDH photonic layer and the electrical layer. Its microprocessor - based modular design implements all features specified in the SFP MSA compatible 2-wire Serial Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers. OC-48 / STM-16 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 2488.32 Mbit/s (payload: 2405.376 Mbit/s; overhead: 82.944 Mbit/s).
OC-3/STM-1 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 155.52 Mbit/s (payload: 148.608 Mbit/s; overhead: 6.912 Mbit/s, including path overhead) using fiber optics. Depending on the system OC-3 is also known as STS-3 (electrical level) and STM-1 (SDH). These modules are also used for Fast Ethernet application.
OC-12 or STM-4 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 622.08 Mbit/s (payload: 601.344 Mbit/s; overhead: 20.736 Mbit/s).
1-Fiber Bi-Directional SFP Optical Transceiver
Simplex SC or LC Connector
Up to 2.67 Gb/s bi-directional data links
Multirate for SONET OC-48 / SDH STM-16, Fibre Channel 1x/2x, 1000BASE, STM-1/OC3, STM-4/OC12
AC/AC Coupling according to MSA
Single +3.3 V Power Supply
RoHS Compliant
0 to 70C, -10 to 85C, -40 to 85C Case operation temperature ranges.