Low Bed Semi-Trailer
> Low bed semi-trailer produced on the purpose of carrying heavy construction equipment and constant load or loads having wheels. Manufactured with two types that 37.000 kilograms and 49.000 kilograms depending on the request.
> The main platform applied for the bottom of the trailer is produced from the st52 material owning 20mms thickness.
> Junction points of the bottom chassis are compounded with gas metal arc welding.
> Gooseneck and a towing pin placed on the top of the trailer. That system is appropriate for the vehicles with 4×2 and 6×4 4×4. The gooseneck designed as being decent for allowing heavy construction equipment and large vehicles to mount on it. Connection edges determined for the communication and conveying the electric between the gooseneck and wrecker.
> Low bed semi-trailer produced as being two various types that 11800mms and 13400mms.
> The ground of the platform is slipless.
> The whole junction points compounded by welding.
> Stability feet placed on the platform to keep the vehicles on balance. The carrying capacity is averagely 50.000 kilograms.
The ramp of the semi-trailer
> Two engines, operating with a hydraulic engine, are assembled on the system.
> The ramps opened gradually from the rear of the vehicle to the ground. It can reach out among the ground 1/2 meters in total.
> 2 or 3 axles having 15 tones bearing capacity placed for the bottom dance group of the semi-trailer. These axles have air suspension.