Paint and Powder Coating application booths play a number of roles within a complete finishing system. Providing a clean, temperate, and safe environment for the effective application of the paint or powder coating is central to those roles.
Epcon is often called upon to provide the Paint Booth enclosures for Finishing Systems. Given our deep understanding of the coating process air handling conditions required to achieve the appropriate application environment as well as regulatory compliance, Epcon is uniquely capable of configuring the optimal paint booth design for your coating process.
Powder coating is a type of paint coating that is applied as a dry powder, delivered by an evaporating solvent. There are many benefits to powder coating over conventional spray-painting methods.
Powder coating is used to apply a protective finish to any type of metal objects. Powder coating is made from pigment and resin particles that are electrostatically charged onto the surface, creating a strong and aesthetically pleasing finish.
Powder coating creates a hard finish that is considered much tougher than conventional paint. As powder coating involves applying dry powder, each coat is much thicker and does not run like a liquid coating might.
Epcon can provide custom solutions for your manual or automated paint or powder coating application with a range of overspray elimination and collection strategies. Each of these systems have their own set of air handling and environmental compliance challenges.