The microprocessor controlled programmable DC-Power Supplies »E/PSI 8000-3U« of EPS Electronic Power Supplies are ideally suited for test systems and industrial control facilities and offer output voltages up to 1500V and output current upon 510A. The flexible output power provides a higher output voltage or a higher output current, always limited to the maximum nominal output power (5, 10 and 15kW). Therefore a wide range of applications can already be covered by the use of just on single unit. All models have a System-Bus terminal, which allows a serial- and parallel operation with symmetric current sharing (Master/Slave) fast and easily with an output Power up to 150kW. Set values and actual values of output voltage, output current and output power are clearly represented on the graphic display and are supervised. The operating state of the device, the menu guidance and the current assignment of the pushbuttons are also shown on the display. So the user is able to operate the unit intuitively.
The units provide reliable power in many areas. In safety areas the models (6,6kW) are redundant, means they have multiple power stages and will continue working at least one power stage remains operable.
All models offers supervision features for voltage and current. As well the rise and fall times (tSR, tSF) during test procedures which require to the follow certain demands (picture supervision) the device will supervise the condition and will generate a notification or alert.