A single integral unit provides simultaneous, averaged lateral (transverse) strain and averaged axial strain measurement for determining modulus and Poisson’s ratio.
The model 3560-BIA is extensometer is ideally suited for routinely measuring modulus and Poisson’s ratio of advanced composites and other anisotropic materials. Transverse strain is averaged and provided as a single output. Axial strain is averaged and provided as a single output in the standard configuration. Model 3560-BIA is also available in an optional configuration that has separate outputs for the axial strain channels, which enables measurement of specimen bending with the testing machine’s software.
Standard configuration – two outputs (testing machine must have two strain channels):
• Average axial strain (electrically averaged)
• Average transverse strain (mechanically averaged)
Optional configuration – three outputs (testing machine must have three strain channels):
• Left axial strain (for averaging using the testing machine’s software)
• Right axial strain (for averaging using the testing machine’s software)
• Average transverse strain (mechanically averaged)
The Model 3560-BIA uses a design unique to Epsilon, where the knife edges remain parallel during the displacement. This approach greatly reduces crosstalk between axes and allows use on round or flat specimens with equal ease. These extensometers are very easy to mount. Integral springs hold the unit on the test sample. The parallel multiple flexure design makes these units very durable.
The Model 3560-BIA extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for strain gaged transducers.