Compact Inline Crystallisation
A system for the integrated and energy-efficient crystallisation of PET or PLA. The melt-filtrated strands are cooled briefly in water and then cut into pellets. The material is then fed immediately into a container.
The latent thermal energy inside the pellets is used for crystallisation – without additional energy input required from the outside and without interrupting the process.
Technical benefits
*Homogenous pellets in terms of properties such as degree of crystallisation, pellet geometry, pellet weight, colour, etc.
*The degree of crystallisation achievable is between 30 and 40 %
*Trace elements are reduced without influencing the IV
*No sticking occurs, thanks to the careful and homogeneous crystallisation over the whole cross section
Economic benefits
*Low production costs because no additional energy is needed
*Easy operation and low personnel costs thanks to the high degree of automation