For the ne plus ultra in food-contact-compliant recycled pellets it’s the “plus” that’s the key. The combination of the proven and highly efficient VACUREMA®decontaminating technology – developed specifically for this purpose – with the V-LeaN Solid State Polycondensation (SSP) technology.
The latter is a patented technology from the manufacturer Polymetrix. Nitrogen as the great plus! All thermal process steps of VACUNITE® take place in a nitrogen and/or vacuum atmosphere. Consequently, already high-quality results are improved still further and their purity is assured. They therefore far exceed all legal requirements and the even stricter specifications of leading brand owners.
Result-aware from the start thanks to SafeFlake.
VACUNITE® is based on SafeFlake technology. As with VACUREMA® , extremely effective decontamination of the flakes in the vacuum reactor is the very first stage of the recycling process. This speeds up the process enormously.
Result-aware from the start thanks to SafeFlake.
VACUNITE® is based on SafeFlake technology. As with VACUREMA® , extremely effective decontamination of the flakes in the vacuum reactor is the very first stage of the recycling process. This speeds up the process enormously.
Faster process.
Compared to pellets, flakes of the same volume have a larger surface area. For this reason, they dry much faster – and are already clean and dry when they reach the extruder. This creates an excellent basis for high-quality results.