Wide temperature range from -20°C to +85°C, available in
105L and 206L models
Thanks to an air-cooled refrigeration system (using no Freon to protect the ozone layer), the LHU and LU Constant Climate Cabinet offers a wide temperature range from -20°C to +85°C (humidity type: 40 to 95%) in 105L and 206 L models.
Stable internal environment
With their highly efficient refrigeration system and outstanding thermal insulation, they create a stable chamber environment with a temperature/humidity uniformity of ±2°C and ±6%rh.
Program operation up to 9 steps
Besides constant setting, the instrumentation allows program operation with 9 steps per pattern, temperature (humidity) heat-up and pull-down gradient settings to meet cycle testing conditions.
Patented cross-output control system reduces required power
The LHU-123 models cross-output control system (patent No. 2928162) lowers the maximum current during operation, reducing the amount of required power.