Star Sequence-of-Operation evaluates, verifies, and confirms the operation and selectivity of the protective devices for various types of faults for any location directly from the one-line diagram and via normalized Time Current Characteristic Curve views.
Sequence-of-Operation provides a system-wide solution for an accurate and realistic operating time and state of protective devices, such as relay, fuse, circuit breaker, trip devices, contactor, etc. The operation time is calculated for each protective device based on its settings, time current characteristic, and interlocks for a specified fault location and type.
Sequence of Operation Key Features
User-definable fault insertion location
View device operation sequence graphically
Device failure & backup operation
Detailed relay actions (27, 49, 50, 51, 51V, 59, 67, 79, 87)
Sequence of event viewer
Current summation
Normalized (shifted) Time Current Characteristic Curves
Phase & Ground faults (symmetrical & asymmetrical)
Flashing protective device via the one-line diagram
Graphically place a fault anywhere on the one-line diagram
Automatically calculate & display the fault current contributions on the one-line diagram
Evaluate the operating time & state of devices based on the actual fault current contribution flowing through each individual device
Graphical animation of protective device operation
Globally view post fault actions & associated operating time via a tabulated event viewer
Examine the operation of protective devices via the one-line diagram