eSelect-M2 series is a family of controllers using two measurement channels (+ temperature). The wide graphic display and
the user-friendly navigation make it a very simple and intuitive product for end-users. Predisposed for Eatcloud connection,
thanks to the “Connection Kit” (not included with the controller), the eSelect-M2 can be managed remotely.
THe eSelect M is a multi-function measuring instrument featuring two (M2) measurement parameters suitable for measuring
the pH, Rx (Redox), Free CHLORINE (Residual), Total CHLORINE and Conductivity. The eSelect M range, along with
high quality performances and advanced functions, offers several characteristics that make it versatile and easy to use.
Measures: pH, Redox (mV), Free Chlorine (ppm), Total Chlorine (ppm), Conductivity and temperature (C°)
Version pH or Redox, selectable from the user
Standard versions: pH(Rx)-pH(Rx); pH(Rx)-CL; pH(Rx)-CD
Timer mode, connected to auxiliary realy
N.2 4-20mA outputs, programmable from the user
Chlorine measure (ppm) by selective membrane sensor or amperometric cell Platinum-Copper
2 setpoint for each measure, ON/OFF mode or PWM (Pulse Width Modulation);
Adjustable hystesys on setpoint value; delay time on activation relay
Alarm MAX and MIN mode on each measure
Overdosing Alarm (excessive dosing time) for each measure
Timer built-in to manage start/stop of the controller
N.2 inputs for level sensor