Photovoltaic systems are composed by photovoltaic panels, cables,
fuses, switches, overvoltage arresters and power inverter.
Photovoltaic panels utilise the power of sun light to converters
photons to DC current.
Electricity generated by solar panels is then fed into a power inverter
that converts DC current to AC current. gPV fuse has been
developed to protect cable and panel against "reverse" overcurrent.
ETITEC B, C-PV series of over voltage surge protective devices has
been developed to protect against direct and indirect lightning
discharges and is intended to protect photovoltaic systems.
The circuit topology consists of two varistors stages each protected
by a thermal disconnection device.
Overcurrent protection
PV module protection from »DC REVERSE« current on DC side
Array with three or more strings of panels:
PV systems that have three or more strings connected in parallel
need to have each string protected by fuses.
Systems that have less than three strings will not generate
enought fault current to damage the conductors/solar panels.
Normaly there are two gPV fuses connected on each string (+
and - pole), that protect conductors/solar panels from damage
and eliminate any safety hazards.
Fuses isolate the faulted string. The rest of PV system can continue
to generate electricity.
PV module protection from »AC REVERSE« current caused by
defective inverter
If an inverter becomes defective (transformerless…), AC reverse
current can feed into DC strings and destroy PV modules.