The 2K dispenser can be configured with 30- or 100- litre tanks and can mix components either with or without additives. If the additives contained within the components are abrasive, Europoliuretani is able to provide a special treatment to the pump to prolong its life.
Technical aspects
• Chemical packaging capacity: 30 or 100 litres.
• Chemical suitable for the system: with and without additives.
• Piping: heated.
• Pump: geared with electric motor.
• Flow rate on request.
• Temperature control/setting: by means of a temperature controller or PLC.
• Flow regulation: through potentiometer for motor speed adjustment or PLC.
• Standard gun version installed: with static mixing system.
The 2K dispensers are built in a solid carbon steel frame, on which components of internationally recognised high quality brands are installed: SIEMENS, BUCHER, WIKA, KELLER, PEPPERL + FUCHS etc.
The gear pumping system takes the chemical from the tanks (the latter can be heated and pressurised up to 2 bar) and sends the fluid to the dispensing gun via a special heated pipe.
Thermostatation of the chemical lines and of the tank improves fluidisation of the product in cold temperature conditions and enables a greater reaction speed of the glue itself. Usually, the machine is supplied with a standard control panel to control the main functions of the machine, but at the customer’s request a PLC can be installed to ensure better control of the system through additional applications: it is an example of the possible connection to a robotised system.