Our bistable NAMUR solenoid valves are suitable for direct assembly to your pneumatic rotary actuator. With the bistable solenoid valve we differentiate 5/2 way and 5/3 way function with the optional centre position; closed, deaerated or aerated.
Suitable for: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21, Zone 22
II 2G Ex db mb IIC T5 Gb X
II 2D Ex tb IIIC T95 °C IP66 Db X
Mode II
Magne tvcntiltyp Solcnoid valve lype - NAMUN. Kolbenschieber. Impuls. mdirekt gesteuert NAMUR, pir.ton spoot, bistablc, indircctly operated
Funktion Function - SJ? oder 5/3 wege 5/2- or 5/3- way
Luftanschluss Air supply port - 6 i/4‘
Nennweite/Arbeitsdnjck/DurthUuss Nominal diamelcr/Air pre-.-.iirr/Rcw rate - 7 mm / 2 - 10 bar / 1250 l/min
Material Ventilkbrpcr Valve body material - Aluminium eloxiert Anodised alummum
Material Kotben/Dichtungcn/Schraubcn Pislorv/scaling/:>crew material - Edelstahl 1.4305/N BK/bdelstahl 1.4301 Stainlcss Steel AISI 303 / NDR / Stainlcss sied AISI 304
Handnotbetatigung Manual override - Sclbstsichcmd, Messing Self-locking. brass
Oistanzptattc Distance plate - Polyamid. zum Ausgleich der Spulenbreite. mit 2x 0-Ring NBR70 Polyamide, lo compcnsate coil widlti. with 2x 0-Ring NUR70
Medium Medium - Gereinigte, geiille / racht-geolle Druckluft Cleancd. iubricated / non lubricated compressed air
Druckluft-Ouatitât Compressed air-quallty - Slufe 5 nach ISO 8573 1 Level 5 accordmg to ISO 8573-1
Anwendung Application - Uoppeltwirkende pneumatische Schwenkantnebe Double acting pneumatic actuatorr.
Spule und Gérât eslecker Coil and plug connecter - PG9 (Kabeldurchmcsser 4 8 mm) (cable diameter 6 - 8 mm)
Spannung Voltage - DC: 12 V. 24 V. 48 V AC : 74 V. 48 V. 115 V. 730 V