Our bistable NAMUR solenoid valves are suitable for direct assembly to your pneumatic rotary actuator. With the bistable solenoid valve we differentiate 5/2 way and 5/3 way function with the optional centre position; closed, deaerated or aerated.
Suitable for: Zone 2, Zone 22
II 3G Ex nA IIC T5 Gc
II 3D Ex tc IIIC T95°C Dc
Mode II
Magne tvcntiltyp Solcnoid valve lype - NAMIJR, Kolberwchieher. ImpuK. indirekt gentcucrt NAMUK. piston spoot. bistaMe. mdirectly operated
Funktion Function - 5/2- oder 5/3- wege 5/7 or 5/3 way
Luftanschluss Air supply port - G 1/4"
Nennweite/Arbeitsdnjck/DurthUuss Nominal diamelcr/Air prcssure/Flow rate - 7mm/2- 10bar/1250l/min
Material Ventilkbrpcr Valve body material - Aluminium eloxiert Anodined aluminum
Material Kotben/Dichtungcn/Schraubcn Pislon/scaling/screw material - Fdeltfahl 1 4305/NRR/Fdelstahl 1 4301 Stamless Steel AISI303 / NBK / Stamtess Steel AISI304
Handnotbetatigung Manual override - Selbstsichernd. Messmg Self locking, brass
Distanzpiattc Distance plate - Polyamid. /um Ausglcich der Spulcnbreitc. mit 7x 0 Ring N RR 70 Polyamide, to compensate coil width. with 2x 0-Ring NBR70
Medium Medium - Gereinigte. geolte / nicht-geolte Druckluft Cleancd, lubricaled / non-lubiicaled compressed air
Druckluft-Ouatitât Compressed air-quallty - Stufe b nach ISO 8573-1 1 evel 5 aeeording to ISO 8573 1
Anwendung Application - Doppeltwirkcnde pneumatinche Schwcnkantricbe Double acting pneumatic actuators
Geràleslecker Plug connector - Form A. M16x1.5 IKabeldurrhmevair 4 6 mm /A 8 mm) (Cable diameter 4-6 mm / 6 - 8 mm)
Spannung Voltage - DC: 24 V AC: 110 V. 730 V
Lelstung Power consumption - DC:2W AC: 3.1 VA