Our In-Line solenoid valves are suitable for the central installation in a control box or assembly on linear actuators, lift drives or gate valves.
Suitable for: Zone 2, Zone 22
II 3G Ex nA IIC T5 Gc
II 3D Ex tc IIIC T95°C Dc
Modcll Mode» - MF32-NA MF52-NA
Magnetventiltyp Solenoid valve lype - lo-bne. Kolbenschieber. mdirekt ge&teuert In line, piston s pool, indirect ly operated
Ftmktion Fonction - 3/7 oder 5/7 wrge 3/2 or S/2 way
Luftanschluss Air suppty porl - G 1/4'
Nennweite/Arbeitsdruck/Durchfluss Nominal diamctcr/Air prcssurc/FIow raie - 7 mm / 2 - 10 bar / 1250 l/min
Matcrial Vcntilkdrpcr Valve body materia» - Aluminium eloxiert Anodised alummum
Matera» IColben/DKhtungon/Schrauben Piston/scaling/scrcw malcriai - tdelslahl 1.4305 / NBK / tdelsUhl 1.4301 Stainlcss Steel AISI 303 / NtîR / Stamtcss Steel AISI 304
Handnolbetâtigung Manii.il override - 5elbr.tsichcmd. Messing Self-locking. brass
Medium Medium - Gereinigte. geolle / oicht-geolte Oruckluft Clcancd. lubricalcd / rion-lubiicalcd comprcsscd air
Druckluft-QuaUt&t Compresscd air quality - Stule 5 nach ISO 85/3-1 1 evel 5 according to ISO 8573 1
Anwcndung Application - Hnfach oder doppeltwirkendc pneumatische Schwcnkantriebc Spring return or double acting pneumatic actualors
Geràtestecker l’lug conneclor - Form A. Mléxl.5 IKabeldurcbmesser4 - 6 mm /6 - 8 mml (cable diameter 4-6 mm / 6 - 8 mml
Spannung Voltage - DC: 24 V AC: 110 V. 730 V
Lctshing Power consumption - DC:2W AC: 3.1 VA
Spulemsolationsklasse Coil insulation class - F IUIN VDt 0580)
Safety Intcgrity Lcvcl Salety Integnty Level - SU 1 - 3 (IFC 61508 70101
ATEX/IECEx Airx/ircr* - £ Il 3G Ex nA IIC T5 Gc «2 II 30 Fx t IIIC TV5°C Oc