Our In-Line solenoid valves are for the central installation in a control box or assembly on linear actuators, lift drives or gate valves. With the bistable solenoid valve we differentiate 5/2 way and 5/3 way function with the optional centre position; closed, deaerated or aerated.
Suitable for: Zone1, Zone 2, Zone 21, Zone 22
II 2G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga
II 2G Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
Modcll Mode» - MI-IA
Magnctventiltyp Solenoid volve lype - In-bne. Kolbenschieber. Impuls. indifekt gesleuert In line, piston spool. bïstabic, indireetty operated
Ftmktion Fonction - 5/7 oder 5/3 wrge 5/2 or 5/3 way
Luftanschluss Air suppty porl - G 1/4'
Nennweite/Arbeitsdruck/Durchfluss Nominal diamctcr/Air pressurc/Flow raie - 7 mm / 2 - 8 bar /1250 l/min
Noterai Vcntilkorpcr Valve body material - Aluminium eloxiert Anodised alummum
Molerul Kolbcn/Dichtungcn/Schraubcn Piston/scaling/scrcw malcrial - Edelstahl 1.4305 / NBK / Edelstahl 1.4301 Stainlcss stecl AISI 303 / NtîR / Stamlcas Steel AISI 304
Handnolbetâligung Manti.il overrido - Sclbr.tsichcmd. Messing Self-locking. brass
Medium Medium - Gereinigte. geolte / nicht-geotte Oruckluft Clcancd. lubricalcd / non-lubncalcd comprcsscd air
Druckluft-QuaUl&t Compresscd air quality - Stule 5 nach ISO 85/3-1 l rrvel 5 according to 150 8573 1
Anwcndung Application - Ooppeltwirkcnde pneumatische Schwenkanlricbc Oouble acting pneumatk actuators
Geratesteckor Plug conneclor - 2x Form A, M16x1.5 IKabetdurchmesser 4-6 mm 16 - 8 mml (cable diamclcr 4-6 mm / 6 - 8 mm)
Spannung Voltage - 24VDC (max. 28 V OC)
Lctshing Power consumption - 1.6 W (min 0.8 W)/37-115 mA
Spulemsolationsklasse Coil insulation clans - F IUIN VDt 0580)