- C02%, CH4%, 02, H2S, H2 and CO measurements
- Continuos monitor system
- Plug & Play pre-calibrated sensors for field easy swap
- Built-in peltier cooler and condensate pump
- Dual H2S sensors
- Up to 10 sampling points
- 4-20 mA outputs ( up to 40 )
- Modbus, Ethernet, profibus communication available
The new SWG100 Biogas fixed gas analyser
The SWG100 Biogas is a fixed on-line gas analyser for continuous monitor of O2, CH4, CO2, H2S, CO and H2
Using cutting edge technology to ensure high accuracy gas measurements, the SWG100 Biogas gas analyser is used in some of the biggest UK Landfill , AD and water treatment plants.