FABU Pile Driving Machine is used for 'pile driving' of piles on to the ground along the motorways.
Operating Instructions
Move Pile Driving Machine to spot where the work will be carried
Clean hose which attaches the compressor and the Pile Driving Machine By blowing air through. Then mount it to the lubricator.
Lift the machine by means of two screw jacks. Remove pins above front wheels 900 so the machine can move to the sides instead of back and forth. Secure the new position of the wheels by placing the pins back.
Bring the body back on this wheels by turning the screw jacks to left.
Lift boom By turning “BOOM LIFT” valve to “UP” position. (Figure 1)
If necessary level off the boom by means of screw jacks. Use water level mounted on the boom frame to check if it is levelled off.
Align axis of the hammer and operation spot by moving the hammer back and forth. Turn “BODY LIFT VALVE” to “BACK” to move it back. Turn the valve to “FORWARD” to move it forward. (Figure 2)
1. Lift the hammer up by turning “HAMMER LIFT” valve to “UP” position. (Figure 3)
2. Place a pile into socket at the bottom of the boom. Bring the hammer down by turning “HAMMER LIFT” valve to “DOWN” position. Make sure hammer head touches each corner of the pile. Turn “HAMMER LIFT” valve to “0” position. (Figure 4)