The O²-PID System is an optical safety device to prevent the overfilling of storage and bunker tanks when filled with petrol, diesel or fuel oil.
In a petrol station, tank overfilling, improper hose connection and product mixing during fuel delivery possesses great threat to fuel leakage into the environment and loss of business. For these reasons, an adequate system should be installed in the tank that can prevent environmental pollution and increase operational efficiency.
Important functions served by O²-PID:
Hose connection control
Product identification (PID) for cross over prevention
Overfill prevention for the fuel drop
Easier handling of fuel drop
No product mix due to product identification
Reliable low power optical sensor
100% maintenance free and self-monitoring sensor
Prevents environmental pollution due to fuel leakage
Health & Safety: Eliminate the risk of accidents
Save costs & resources, avert unwanted fines and reduce downtimes