On those occasions when high cadences are not necessary, the use of press hardening systems based on a multi-level furnace is justified. Die testing facilities, prototype part manufacturing facilities and generally low production batches benefit from the economy of space inherent in this type of furnace.
At FAGOR ARRASATE, we are capable of designing a customised solution for our customers’ needs in terms of format size, press capacity and speed, combining the most suitable automatic features, whether they be robots or feeders specifically designed for the installation.
Furthermore, all of FAGOR ARRASATE’s press hardening installations offer the following advantages:
Turnkey installations: All the elements of the installation are designed by us: the destacker, the press, and the press loading/unloading automatic features. We also take care of the integration of all components, including the furnace.
Process monitoring: Since it is especially critical to monitor all the process variables that potentially affect part quality, at FAGOR ARRASATE we monitor, centralise and store the data offered by the installation (temperature, force, time, flow rates, etc.) in such a way that it allows both optimisation of production and assurance of part quality.
Complete value chain: FAGOR ARRASATE’s process knowledge is aimed at ensuring that the overall cost of operating the line is as low as possible, combining the value of the investment in equipment, space occupied, energy costs, productivity and other elements to define globally profitable solutions.