KGS-245N is a shallow web, double-arm shearer loader, interoperating with a face conveyor and a powered roof support. The machine is equipped with a chainless haulage system located from the gob side. KGS-25N is used for bidirectional niche-free coal mining and loading in a longwall system, with the seam height of up to 1.1-2.8 m, the strike of up to 35° and the dip up to 25°.
The shearer has been successfully operated for many years for low walls in the mines in Poland and worldwide, including Russia, Ukraine or Spain.
Due to an increased recent interest in this type of shearer, a thorough upgrade of its design has been carried out, improving both the performance and safety. An entirely drive unit of the machine has been developed, which uses an electric motor with more power, driving a new generation main pump. New hydraulic motors have also been used, integrated with brakes for the shearer haulage feed. A new design of the shearer arms has been developed, to increasing the range of seam heights up to 2.8 m, and the electric motor power for cutting drums has been increased up to 200 kW (previously 120 kW). Electrical equipment of the shearer has also been upgraded through the use of a new control and diagnostics system FAMAC OPTI, allowing for more effective control of operating parameters of the KGS-245N.