Sensors developed and manufactured by FATRI can be widely used in civil aviation, marine ships, petroleum and petrochemical, wind power generation, industrial intelligence, rail transportation, health care, general testing and other fields.
Piezoelectric Dynamic Pressure Sensor TYDC05
Working at extreme temperatures up to +649 °C.
Small size, fully sealed.
The output signal is the balanced differential signal.
Fully welded.
Integral hard wire cable.
Excellent dynamic performance.
CE certification.
Application scenarios:
Gas Turbine Combustion Monitoring, High Pressure Steam and Propulsion System Testing
Charge Sensitivity - 6±lpC/psi
Dynamic Range - 730psi
Résonant Frequency - 100kHz
Vibration Sensitivity - 0.02pC/g
Max. Pressure Physical - 2500psi
Dimensions (Diameterx Length) - See Image Above
Weight - 125g
Housing Material Environment - Inconel
Operating Température Range - -55°C ~ +649°C
Connector - 7/16-27 2-PIN
OutType Electric - Differential Output
Internai Résistance - >1GQ
Sensor Capacitance - lOOpF
Cable Capacitance - 65p F/m
Insulation Résistance (Signal Line to Shell) - >100MQ@50VDC