■Stainless steel panel 2.5mm thick including a proximity reader 40*40
■Works with a standard analog phone line (PSTN or PABX)
■In compliance with disabilities act with Braille buttons and speech
»1000 users including for each one :
•- 2 phone numbers
»-1 acess code
»-1 proximity key
■Three relays controlled from the phone called
■30000 last events
■Advanced functions
»- free acess on door, time display for scrolling names
»- management door contact, door opened too long and forced door
»- transfer to a second phone number if no answer with the first one
•- night mode. After a specific hour and for the same phone number,
the panel call automatically the second phone number.
»- management of talk time for each resident
»- personalization of logos.
■Programming with Platel software FD-050-033 (supplied)
■Optional: surface mount box and rain hood
■Power supply from 12 to 24 VDC or VAC
PSTN panels advantageousely replace traditional intercom systems in
residential applications either because it is no longer possible to switch
cables between the entry panel and each apartment.
These plates are also suitable for office buldings, health facilities, etc..
In this case panels calls reach one or several positions and programming of
the PABX allows all possibilities in call management.