Supplies 12VDC or 24VDC
Integrated battery charger
7 amp-hour capacity
Meets NFPA standards
Type 1 enclosure
UL Listed
Federal Signal Power Supplies provide nominal 12VDC or 24VDC power that is switch selectable. The PS250, PS600 and PS1000 are designed for use as standby battery back-up during a power outage.
The steel enclosure is designed to mount on a wall or substantial vertical surface (indoor only). A key lock is provided to discourage unauthorized access simple lock installation is required. The power supply sub-assembly, which recharges the batteries, includes solid-state circuitry that provides DC operating voltage to units in a SelecTone system, while maintaining a charge level on the batteries.
All of the units can also be used as a primary 12V or 24V power source for other devices/systems.
The Model PS250 battery package includes two sealed lead-acid, gelled electrolyte batteries connected in series. Model PS250 is rated for seven amp-hours of capacity at 2.5 ampere. The PS250 is UL Listed.