We have developed new technical improvements in saw sharpeningprocess including the new gummer file. Capacity & quality of lint can't becontrolled if you don't have good sharp saw tooth so this stand to reasonyou need best GUMMER MACHINE in order to maintain best filingoperation. Ferro's gummer is precisely made with all dimensional accuracyand seasoned SG Iron castings.
THE FERRO - 176 & 200 saw automatic gummer machine maintains sawin good & effective condition all the times. Also a uniform sharpened toothprofile every time.
Ferro - Gummer File The new design gummer file is a process, not just anew product. The new gummer file which fits all factory standard spindlescrews, provide an enhanced tooth profile which promotes higher Delintingcapacity, less shattered seed out more robes saw tooth that last longer.
• Completely automatic gummer with having perfectly machine tool accuracy
• Provide interchangeable parts for low maintenance and ease services.
• Special hardening material used to machine parts.
• Ruggedly built for smooth and reliable operation