The GX1 instrument is a programmable microprocessor instrument with a 6 digit display which can be used as a counter of frequencies, periods, revolutions, pieces and meters.
The counter elaborates signals supplied from linear sensors, amplified and not amplified inductive sensors, mechanical contacts.
On production counter working mode, the instrument is in order to govern two inputs with total pieces counting and the partial one, with the hour production and working time display.
The microprocessor programming, by the means of 4 keys set on the front panel, allows the setting of all parameters that govern the working of the instrument: that spreads the possibilities of employment and makes the GX1 instrument versatile and available for different employments.
Versions: G1X- only displayed; G1X-2 with 2 switch relay interventions; G1X-4 4 relay interventions; G1X-RS232, G1X-RS485 with serial output RS232 o RS485; G1X-2RS232, G1X-2RS485 with 2 relay interventions and serial output; G1X-T with analogue output; G1X-2T with 2 relay interventions and analogue output.