The BHE Bridge type machines are designed for use in general machining and tooling, but also for the aviation industry. The structures, extremely rigid, allow both the use of heads with very high torque and 3 axis high speed milling technology.
The accuracy and the dynamics of the machine guarantees excellent results in conventional machining but also in high-performance machining. High performance and efficiency are characteristics of this machine line, aimed at customers looking for reliable and durable technology
Features and technical specifications
Configurable Z axis Trave
Z vertical axis may have travels with 700/900/1100/1300 mm with a RAM structure measuring 380x380mm or 420x420mm.
Large capacity & easy access
• - Tables from 2x1.7m to 6x3.1m, with a load capacity from 8,000 kg to 28000 kg.
• - X from 2200 to 6200 mm stroke
• - Y travels from 1700 to 3600 mm
• - Opening the front door allows easy access for loading and unloading of parts.
Automatic Tool Change
Automatic Tool changer up to 180 positions.
Wide range of Spindles and milling heads
• - 3 axis spindle from 6000rpm to 15000 rpm
• - Universal heads with BT#50 or ISO50 3500 rpm.