In the big range of the manufactured machines, Firbimatic industrial range is best expression of technology for the cleaning of the garments useful also for:
The Fulling and Finishing of textiles, not only to remove solid dirt, the oils present after lubrication of the texture but also to give the goods a better softeing and stability after the dyeing.
Degreasing and cleaning of the leather in the tanning industry. The cleaning of industrial uniforms such as work clothes in cotton or polyester, cotton or leather gloves, rags, etc..
The finishing hosiery (Fulling, Revitalization, Softening), and particularly advantageous on acrylic fibers.
Because of the specificity of each sector, Firbimatic industrial machinery are with modular design (one or more washing units with distillation module that include the filtration) that allows the choice to offer to the Customer a customized machine, with the ability to add additional washing modules, and increase production with less investment.
So it's possible build systems starting from the simplest coupling of a washing module and a single distillation module, with or without filtration system, to a complex system with two, three, four, or more washing units combined with a single distillation module.
Firbimatic industrial machines are manufactured in capacities from 60 kg. to 80 kg. in closed circuit system and can be combined also with an additional carbon device (COALPERC) that can reduce the concentration of the solvent in the basket at the end of the cycle.