As the name implies, it is a device that prevents one object from affecting another. It allows both objects to exist in their natural state without influence from the other. With an isolator, one of the objects is allowed to vibrate without transmitting all of the energy of that vibration to the other object.
For many years, Firestone has been in the business of designing and developing a wide range of mounts and supports to isolate vibrations that are detrimental to many industrial and manufacturing environments. The range of isolators offered by Firestone has been redefined to include two major lines of isolators - Firestone Airmount isolators and Firestone Marsh Mellow springs. Each have their distinct benefits over other typical industrial vibration isolators, and each has advantages over the other. Many industrial vibration isolation problems can be solved using either line, and a complete analysis of potential solutions to these problems should include investigating options using both lines of isolators.