Our push-pull and continuous pickling lines provide high quality descaling of carbon or stainless strip. This technology is especially suited to operations that frequently change strip width, thickness or grade.
Robust and efficient design
Turbulent bath and spray pickling
Salt bath, ESS, mixed acid
Intelligent chemical control
Innovative brush system
Continuous pickling line from Fives
Reduced reducing pickling time
Minimized acid consumption
Reduced and simplified maintenance
Uniform heat distribution
Intuitive operator interface
Fives developed the NeoKoil® strip processing lines: continuous annealing lines (CAL), continuous galvanizing lines (CGL) and continuous annealing & galvanizing lines (CAGL) to produce high-strength steels (HSS), including AHSS and UHSS for the automotive industry. For demanding applications Eyeron™, a digital and real time quality management tool, is available to provide unlimited data collection for unlimited users.