Our push-pull and continuous pickling lines provide high quality descaling of carbon or stainless strip. This technology is especially suited to operations that frequently change strip width, thickness or grade.
Robust and efficient design
Turbulent bath and spray pickling
Salt bath, ESS, mixed acid
Intelligent chemical control
Innovative brush system
Continuous pickling line from Fives
Reduced reducing pickling time
Minimized acid consumption
Reduced and simplified maintenance
Uniform heat distribution
Intuitive operator interface
As car manufacturers continue to seek increasingly lightweight, high-strength steel products, the pickling process has become challenging due to the oxides produced by the alloying metals. The robust and efficient design of Fives' push pull pickling line ensures superior oxide removal from hot rolled coils. Particularly suited to lines processing changing strip width or thickness, the benefits of a push pull line include:
Granite tank protection
High turbulence acid circulation
Wide range of product thickness (1– 16mm)
Advanced chemical control for low consumption and low effluents
Efficient rinsing and drying