Cail & Fletcher D412 batch centrifugal is the worldwide reference for the high grade massecuite centrifugation of any quality. It allows the centrifugal separation of the mother liquor and the crystal sugar in cane or beet sugar factories, and refineries.
Robust design
Cail & Fletcher D412 batch centrifugal is designed according to the most stringent standards in order to run for a long period of time in all high grade massecuite applications including tough conditions.
Specifications of Cail & Fletcher D412 batch centrifugal are regularly updated to incorporate design improvements and ensure it remains at the forefront of centrifugal technolog.
Cail & Fletcher D412 batch centrifugal requires a low investment and little maintenance. For a high throughput it consumes few power and power.
Easy operation and maintenance
Cail & Fletcher D412 batch centrifugal is fully-automated and is able to communicate with any customer’s modern control system.
The refurbishment of its basket is easy.