FCB Opti-Bmill™ is a modular intelligent system for on-line optimization and automated control of the ball mill grinding unit.
Integrated in the existing process control system, it controls and regulates automatically the process parameters of the mill according to the recipe and targeted fineness and based on the actual operating parameters (recirculation flow, electronic ears, absorbed power, separator air flow, elevator power…).
FCB Opti-Bmill™ system determines the theoretical production volume and adjusts automatically the circulation load and the separator speed when combined with an online Particle Size Analyzer.
The main functionalities of FCB Opti-Bmill™ are:
Pre-set of the product recipes
Optimization of the product load inside the mill
Optimization of the ball load inside the mill
Optimization and online checking of the product fineness owing to on-line Particle Size Analyzer
Customer benefits
Stabilization of the mill process
Improvement of the grinding system automation for easier operators’ work
Higher reliability of the production operations
Reduction of the energy consumption
Increased mill output
Enhanced product quality consistency and stability, in line with the targeted recipe
Technical advantages
Integration in the existing Process Control System
High reliability of the controls
Possible remote monitoring
Recording of the process data history
Combination with a Continuous On-Stream Mineral Analyser (COSMA™) for enhanced product quality