The Multi Cylinder Cleaner system cleans and rinses cylinders. The quick and gentle cleaning process leaves the cylinders clean and ready for immediate use or storage, without causing any wear or tear to the cylinder.
The cylinders can be transported from the printing machine to the Multi Cylinder Cleaner on a special trolley holding a double cylinder carriage.
The carriage is loaded into the Multi Cylinder Cleaner and then automatically moved through the entire cleaning process through conveyor belts.
The Multi Cylinder Cleaner is a modular system that can be configured according to your needs.
The Cleaning Process
With a standard wash and rinse configuration 8-12 cylinders per hour can be cleaned. All cylinders are cleaned by using end and surface brushes plus eco-friendly cleaning liquid. Afterwards they are rinsed with water at high-pressure and finally an air stream removes excess water. The liquid is re-circulated in the Multi Cylinder Cleaner.
Stations in the Multi Cylinder Cleaner
Loading Station: The cylinders can be placed on the trolley at the printing machine and driven to the washing unit. The double cylinder carriage is loaded into the loading station.
Washing Station: Rotating surface and end brushes along both cylinders ensure cleaning of surface and ends on the cylinders (hollow or shafted).
Rinsing Station: The cylinders are rinsed with high-pressure water through rinse nozzles that move along the cylinders during the rinse process.
Unloading Station: When the cleaning cycle has finished, the cylinders are automatically transported to the unloading station by the conveyor system.