MTMB type of Internet of things is a new gas meter designed to overcome the last generation of wireless remote gas meter, whose networking requires the installation of a concentrator in a residential area, resulting in construction problems, wireless network maintenance troubles and other shortcomings. With the help of the Internet, the gas meter can be controlled by telemetering communication.which can achieve automatically reading meeter gas usage, mornitoring operation situation, network recharge, safety alarm and valve control, etc.,It is an intelligent network measurement mode to make gas management decisions through gas analysis.
The grid structure is simple, and the gas meter can be implemented directly through NB, GPRS and other channels. Through the computer, mobile phone APP to achieve remote meter reading, closing valve, recharge, price adjustment and other functions. The intelligent control device has the advantages of anti dismantling and diamagnetic interference. Mechanical counter and electrilcal counter can double display gas usage. Voice alarm alert function, when low voltage and few gas left, buzzing alarm to remind users when needed. Can directly connect with the gas leakage alarm, and use the built-in motor valve to cut off the gas supply.
The product quality meets the requirements of GB/T6968-2011 Membrane Gas Meter, GB3836.1-2010 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Environment Part 1: General Requirements, GB3836.4-2010 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Gas Environment Part 4: Essentially Safe "i". The explosion-proof mark is Ex IB II B T3 Gb, which is protected by the state. The explosion detection center