Welcome to Fluxtrol’s induction heating production services. Our Fluxtrol team provides two clear production workflows for our customers:
Pre-Production Induction Applications - for customers that want to build a new induction heating coil(s) or induction application(s).
Existing Production Induction Applications - for customers that want to improve on an existing induction heating coil(s) or induction application(s).
These workflows help our customers engineer induction heating coils, select and properly install the correct Fluxtrol SMC materials, and successfully launch the application/process into new or exciting production environments.
Existing Production Induction Applications
The Fluxtrol Team uses the following process to improve existing induction applications:
Use simulation to describe/understand existing application
Run the experiment/acquire data
Break down the application and draw the coil
Deploy Computer Simulation to explain results
Computer Simulation to results
(Not applicable here) Propose new coil design/parameters
Test the new process
Detailed Pre-Production Workflow
The following section is an example of the Fluxtrol pre-preproduction workflow (using Fluxtrol A) for induction applications. While there are many styles of induction heating coils, this example will use a hairpin coil design for demonstration purposes.
1. Application Description/Goal Computer Simulation
Hairpin coil designs are a type of coils that are commonly used in the induction heating industry. These coils are used for heating flat and non-flat surfaces.