With the V.0102-gn, FOBA offers a laser marker in the green spectrum (532 nm wavelength) with low heat exposure. Thanks to 10 watts of laser power, markings are applied with superior speed and contrast sharpness to surfaces that cannot be marked sufficiently with other wavelengths. These include many white and transparent plastics, highly reflective metals and combinations of materials.
Even red or orange plastic surfaces, which often provide poor contrast due to their color properties, receive best readable codes and characters. The marking quality is also impressive on special plastics such as UHMWPE, HDPE and PMMA. In most cases, the green lasers also make laser additives superfluous.
The FOBA V.0102-gn marking laser bridges the gap between UV (355 nm) and fiber (1064 nm) laser systems, addressing the most challenging marking applications.
V.0042-uv is perfectly used in automotive and aircraft construction, medical technology, electronics, extrusion, also for sensitive materials as ceramics flame-retardant and normal plastics and materials for invasive purposes.